Your search for "microwave*" revealed the following:
(3) طقم علب ميكرويف
تعتبر مجموعة ميكرويف المستديرة مثالية للتدفئة أو إعادة التسخين في الميكروويف. ببساطة ضع الطعامداخل الحاوية ، أغلق الغطاء ، وافتح فتحة التهوية أثناء التسخين في الميكروويف ، وأخيرا أغلقها للاحتفاظ بهادافئ. عظيم كصندوق الغداء في العمل.
150.72 SR
113.04 SR
(3) طقم علب ميكرويف
توفر مجموعة الوعاء الكبير Store و Serve و Go الحل لتخزين ونقل وإعادة تسخين وتقديم في نفس الحاوية.مثالي للحصص الفردية أو العائلية لأي من الأطعمة المفضلة لديك ، من الأرز والمعكرونة وصدور الدجاج والخضروات والأوعية المقاومة للحرارة والأسماك والفواكه المطبوخة...
107.72 SR
علبة للسوائل 2لتر
تعد أباريق متعددة الاستخدامات ومانعة لتسرب الماء ورشيقة ، وهي مثالية لتخزين وتقديم المشروبات الباردة في المنزل وكذلك في الهواء الطلق. أباريق خفيفة الوزن مع أختام محكمة الغلق وأغطية قابلة للطي. يناسب أبواب الثلاجة.
48.16 SR
Eco+ Clear Bowl 4L
Description Inspired by the beauty of transparency, our small serving bowls are a table-worthy set, stylish enough for a dinner party yet practical enough to take anywhere. The space-saving design of our small serving bowl set creates cabinet space with clearly...
167.70 SR
4 Peas Serving Tray
DescriptionPerfect for parties, it allows you to showcase four different snacks or appetizers simultaneously. It's also a great companion for your Allegra 4 Peas Server. Serve a variety of foods: A fantastic way to serve different kinds of foods at...
60.73 SR
Timer Dry Storage Set (4)
Description Time Keepers are the perfect solution to store your dry food that have a specific cooking time to remember: like pasta, rice, grains, beans and more. The airtight lid has a dial that you simply rotate to keep track of the cooking time for...
163.55 SR
122.66 SR
Fridge & Freezer Compact Set (8)
Description Our set of containers is the perfect starting point for a neat and organized freezer and fridge. The tight lid protects your food and keeps it fresh longer. Specially designed material enables easy unmolding when frozen and resists cracking...
142.67 SR
107.00 SR
Square Containers Set 650Ml + 1L +1.8L (3)
Description Transform your kitchen storage with Cubix containers, a stylish and practical solution for all your storage needs! These vibrant containers were designed with versatility and space efficiency in mind. They also keep your food fresher for longer with their airtight...
119.88 SR
95.90 SR
Wonderlier Bowl Set (1.75L, 1.1L, 775ml)
Description This all-purpose bowl with airtight lid is a Tupperware favorite! You'll soon see why this bowl is a cook's best friend, allowing you to prep, serve, store, and transport in one bowl. And when you're not using it, this...
170.41 SR
127.80 SR
Serving Bowl Square 2.5L
DescriptionTaking its cue from the beauty and simplicity of nature, the durable, leak proof and airtight Allegra 2.5 L Bowl is perfect for serving and storing your favorite foods in style! Elegant, dual color design: Thanks to a special technology,...
111.27 SR
Serving Bowl 5L
DescriptionTaking its cue from the beauty and simplicity of nature, the durable, leak proof and airtight Allegra 5 L Bowl is perfect for serving and storing your favorite foods in style! Elegant, dual color design: Thanks to a special technology,...
116.53 SR
Serving Bowl 3.5L
DescriptionTaking its cue from the beauty and simplicity of nature, the durable, leak proof and airtight Allegra 3.5 L Bowl is perfect for serving and storing your favorite foods in style! Elegant, dual color design: Thanks to a special technology,...
110.15 SR
Serving Bowl 1.5L
DescriptionTaking its cue from the beauty and simplicity of nature, the durable, leak proof and airtight Allegra 3.5 L Bowl is perfect for serving and storing your favorite foods in style! Elegant, dual color design: Thanks to a special technology,...
89.75 SR
Fridge Containers Set (4)
Description Our Fridge Freshness Set containers will be your best ally to lock in food freshness and keep your fridge organized. Made to last, thanks to their durable and high quality material, they are the best alternative to disposable solutions...
100.59 SR
Stackable Freezer Storage 675 ml (3)
Description Freeze without staining your containers Our No. 1 freezing containers will save you time and energy. Thanks to their design, they freeze faster and their material enables easy unmolding when frozen. Their shape makes them nestable when empty and...
111.43 SR